Juhtivad teadlased
Madeleine Arnot
on keskendunud õppematerjalide, aine- ja karjäärivalikute küsimustele, teoreetilistele käsitlustele , analüüsinud poliitilisi, ühiskonnateaduslikke ja kultuuri teooriaid, mis on mõjutanud soosuhteid ja haridust.
Arnot, M, David, M. and Weiner, G. (1999) Closing the Gender Gap: Postwar Education and Social Change. Cambridge: Polity Press. Madeleine Arnot, Kathleen Weiler. Feminism and Social Justice in Education: International Perspectives. Routledge, 1993 – Education – 236 pages
Madeleine Arnot. Reproducing Gender?: Essays on Educational Theory andFeminist Politics. Routledge, 2002 – Education – 288 pages
Madeleine Arnot Closing the Gender Gap: Postwar Education and Social ChangeWiley, Nov 22, 1999 – Education – 208 pages
Reproducing Gender? Selected essays on educational theory and feministpolitics (2002);
Arnot, Madeleine and Jo-Anne Dillabough (2000) Challenging Democracy: International Perspectives on Gender, Education and Citizenship, UK: Routledge/Falmer.
Gender education and equality in a global context : conceptual frameworks and policy perspectives / edited by Fennell Shailaja, Madeleine Arnot London ; New York : Routledge, 2009
Becky Francis
Francis, B (2004). Classroom interaction and access: Whose space is it?. In: Claire, H (toim.). GENDER in education 3-19. Association of Teachers and Lecturers.
Francis, B. (2006). The Nature of Gender. In: Skelton, Ch., Francis, B., Smulyan, L. (toim.). The SAGE Handbook of Gender and Education. London: SAGE Publications.
Francis B., Skelton, Ch. (toim.)(2001). Investigating Gender: contemporary perspectives in education. Open University Press.
Francis, Becky (1997). Power plays: children’s construction of gender and power in role plays. Gender and Education,9(2), 179– 191.
Francis, Becky (2000) ‘The Gendered Subject: Students’ Subject Preference and Discussions of Gender and Subject ability’, Oxford Review of Education, 26, 1:35-48.
Carrie Paechter
Briti pedagoogikateadlane Carrie Paechter on keskendunud õppekava ja varjatud õppekava uurimisele soo aspektist
Paechter, C. (2001). Using poststructuralist ideas in gender theory and research. – Investigating gender: contemporary perspectives in education. B. Francis, C. Skelton (eds.). Buckingham: Open University Press.
Paechter, C. (2007). Being boys.Beyng girls. Learning masculinities and femininities. McGraw Hill Education: Open University Press. Maidenhead, England,2007
Paechter, Carrie (2003b). Masculinities and femininities as communities of practice. Women’s Studies International Forum, 26(1), 69– 77.
Paechter, C. (2001). Using poststructuralist ideas in gender theory and research. In B.
Francis & C. Skelton (eds.). Investigating Gender: Contemporary perspectives in education. Buckingham: Open University Press, pp. 41-51.
Paechter, C. (2006). Constructing Femininity/Constructing Femininities. In: Skelton, Ch., Francis, B., Smulyan, L. (toim.). The SAGE Handbook of Gender and Education. London: SAGE Publications.
Skelton, Christine
Skelton, C. (1998) ‘Feminism and Research into Masculinities and Schooling,’ in Gender and Education, Volume 10, Number 2, 217-227.
Skelton, C. (2001) ‘Typical boys? Theorising masculinity in educational settings’, in B.Francis, and C.Skelton (eds) Investigating Gender: contemporary perspectives in education, Buckingham: Open University press.
Skelton, Christine (2002) ‘The ‘Feminisation of Schooling’ or ‘Re-masculinising Primary Education?’ International Studies in Sociology of Education, 12 1 77-96.
Skelton, Christine and Barbara Read (2006) ‘Male and female teachers’ evaluative responses to gender and the implications of these for the learning environments of primary age pupils’, International Studies in Sociology of Education 16 2 105-120.
Boys and girls in the primary classroom / edited by Christine Skelton and Becky Francis
Maidenhead (Berkshire) : Open University Press, 2003